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Setting Your Sails for Success with Alvin Brown

Spirit of Math Podcast Episode #3

In this episode, our hosts Kim Langen and Nathan Langen speak to Alvin Brown, CEO and founder of The Centre of Healing and Peak Performance. Discover Alvin’s fascinating journey and how, against all odds, he has become one of the most successful health, wellness and peak performance practitioners in North America. Alvin will be sharing some of the tools he used on his own personal journey of success.
Alvin Brown

About Alvin Brown

In this episode, our hosts Kim Langen and Nathan Langen speak to Alvin Brown, CEO and founder of The Centre of Healing and Peak Performance. Discover Alvin’s fascinating journey and how, against all odds, he has become one of the most successful health, wellness and peak performance practitioners in North America. Alvin will be sharing some of the tools he used on his own personal journey of success.


I welcome back to Wednesday with another releasing the genius
podcast for re interview people that I’ve had a global
impact everywhere around the world.
Now after our last podcast,
we received an email and I’m actually really glad that
we received this question.
The question was, I’m in North America,
how is it relevant to me that you’re interviewing someone
from Pakistan and someone from China?
Well, if you remember back to our first podcasters with
Imran Masood he brought in 2.2 million new students that
could not afford education.
Into the education platform, our into free education.
And then there’s doctor Spencer Fowler.
He was able to Remold while the top gifted students.
And so when you take a look at these two
spectrums of students at the question isn’t.
How are they? How are they going to be educated?
The question really becomes who’s going to educate them,
and so in in Pakistan it it’s.
It’s very important and also everywhere in the world is
education must not fall in the hands of the ill
Really compassionate people need to be education,
educating the masses and the top gifted students.
If we want this world to survive now I just
really wanted to put that out there because I think
that it does have an impact on us here in
North America.
And your Imran Masood had 2.2 million students.
He needed to make sure that they were getting the
proper education.
Doctor Spencer Fowler. He has the job to make sure
that this top elite student and as he said.
If you are coming in here for celebrity status or
for wealth,
this isn’t the program for you.
You need to have compassion and so that’s something that
they are both instilling into the students.
Now is the next guest that we have in is
Alvin Brown.
I’ve been working with Alvin Brown 4.
You know, I don’t even know how many years I’ve
I’ve been working with them for.
I think 4 years mainly on my own personal body
and my mental well being as well.
So he and I’ve written down some of these notes
so he’s had 30 years in the health,
Wellness and Peak Performance Arena.
He’s worked with some notable people such as Ronnie Coleman.
Jay Cutler and Mike Kostka.
the NHL player that once played for the Leafs.
And if you don’t know who Ronnie Coleman is or
Jay Cutler,
they’re both legends in the Olympiad Arena.
So album Brown works with he’s Wellness entrepreneur manual osteopath
integrated peak performance advisor,
edgecator speaker and author Anne.
Of the journey to personal greatness,
mind, body and soul. That’s a great book and also
husband and father of four.
So both Kim and everyone here knows Kim is my
Were family friends with element in his family.
This is someone that I try to see at least
once a month and get 2 hours with them.
Because I also know that he can’t.
He has a really great story,
so a few weeks before covid hits,
Kim had the chance in our office in Toronto to
interview him and to really understand his entire story.
So before we jump into that,
Kim, is there anything that you wanted to touch on?
Yeah, actually, there’s a couple of things.
First of all, the intent of this whole podcast is
to find people who are changing the world in their
own way in a positive way,
and to provide. Insight to what makes these people tick
him and how are they doing it?
and I would say the elephant is one of those
and he’s definitely one of those people.
He has an incredible story.
We often think that people who are born into wealthy
families or successful families have a better chance to be
successful themselves,
and this is a story of quite the opposite and
Really good to to listen to him.
I think what you said Nathan about saving the world
is is an interesting comment.
You would say that at your age there’s a lot
of people very concerned about the future of our world.
Where is it going? What’s happening,
and it’s important that we all learn an.
This is also for students to to understand.
Oh, this is how you can get there and this
is what makes this person tick.
And this is here’s a great story.
An Alvin is an incredible story.
He is world class with what he does.
He has been asked to travel all over the world.
People would pay for him just to go and work
with them so that he can actually so they can
get some of his insight and also some of his
healing. So without ado let’s get to this interview.
From Kingston, Jamaica. Born to a single mother in 1960s,
the late 60s and she’s ready,
she’s ready had before before me,
so you can imagine now what I when I think
Now living where I’m living now with my partner and
we have our four kids for shed 5.
And we’re living in a abundant time.
Different time in so many ways,
socially. Economically. This is Jamaica.
In the 60s, I’m wondering how she did it,
so now I’ve got a ton of respect for her.
Even more thing, how she?
Braves five kids in a rough part of Jamaica.
So now there as you get older,
you’ll ever respect and appreciation goes up as I think
So we moved around. A lot of people ask me
the question,
you know, do you ever go back to Jamaica?
And I always say I haven’t been back in the
last time.
Went back was 40 years later because we moved around
so much I didn’t have a chance to develop roots
where my older siblings did.
They have friends that they could call and go back
to and most of my family left and went all
over England and Canada Florida.
So I never developed that friendship or I just at
my mom and I moved a lot.
When you say a lot,
what do you mean and what types of places was
Well, wherever we could layer heads basically what do you
mean by that?
So that means. Sing in bars.
My mom had a friend who had an empty bar
that we stay in,
went to patrons left. We stayed at night.
Anywhere, friends, anywhere we could find it and we when
we did find a place for extended periods of time
when my mom could script get us some rent who
it was months before we had to move again.
So it was just this constant nomadic movement and until
1977 when she managed to come to get a sponsor
and we came to Canada and only her and I
came. We left my other siblings.
In Jamaica, so when you were moving around so much,
did you go to school where you have school age?
What was happening there? Question my memory memory sketchy on
the what happened there but I do remember my sister
telling me that I used to go to school with
her ’cause there was no babysitter.
So you end up going to school with her so
she had to my oldest decide to take care of
me while my mom worked so school don’t have a
lot of memory. I do remember going but I don’t.
It’s not that clear on whether I.
I’m pretty sure I did.
I’m pretty sure my sister when non could babysit should
take me to school so with her.
Do you think it would be too young to go
to school at that point?
I say we’re probably just an you sat in class
with your sister.
She tells me the story.
OK, those memories are sketchy.
But yeah, yeah, so you can see.
So when you move to Canada then it sounds like
when you were in Kingston that it was really whatever
could happen like it was just really survival.
By the sounds of it yeah.
And so how did your mom save up to know
how she did she did she did that?
I don’t actually don’t know how she did that.
Actually when I look back at the fact that I
remember days really neat though so maybe she put away
money at that point or someone might have entered the
money. But I remember significant days when.
There’s no food in the fridge and we literally surviving
on in Jamaica.
Common staple was.
White bread with some white sugar I and that was
Or you could do condensed milk with between the bread
and that was it.
Or you’d have I have to make a joke that
when you look in the fridge all you see the
arm and hammer and that was the only kind of
assessments in that fridge. It literally is.
It was a it was but you know what the
thing about it is.
When I think back. We have family so that was
a common thing that got us through you.
Only time I realized I was in any situation that
Was dire is when I came to cannon had a
Because everybody there was in the same situation.
So it is what it is.
So that’s how you. That’s how you get through it
is what it is.
So let’s talk a little bit about your relationships as
a family and what made that so important to you.
’cause I know that was so important as you.
As you’re growing older to an when you were small
how did you make friends?
Maybe probably all the kids are wondering well,
what kind of friends did you have let happened?
So can you just talk to us a little bit
about that,
and then we’ll talk about Canada so well in Jamaica.
I like I said I do remember 1.
I think with a cousin so that was sketchy.
Again, I remember having one cousin and I was young
so we were really close an actually end up getting
hidden passing away so I do remember that and but
it wasn’t a lot of that bonding.
I didn’t do a lot of bonding ’cause you move
so much and I was always with my mom.
I was always whenever she has until with somebody to
keep me safe and two I’ve felt like the Golden
child because it’s always with her right so?
Jamaica was again we, but you know we had memories
Creativity. I would say that.
Thinking back about the situation,
we were very creative we made.
I remember making a horse out of the brute the
mop stick ’cause with hang like the main and we
do Cowboys and Indians and we do make bow and
arrows out of. Twigs and it was just,
you know, the lizards on defense,
and so I remember really having a lot of fun
with just.
Think we find you know spools of thread through A.
Kids will not quit. Kids today won’t know this,
but the spools of thread through a Hanger and you’d
you’d use that as a.
Nora race with that or tires tires that weren’t any
We erase them down the road.
Things like that so it was always there.
Wasn’t any game boys and so it was.
It led to a lot of creativity.
So let’s talk about that great creativity to bring that
back in if you can,
because I got that’s a bit big part of what
you are doing an later.
So let’s talk now about coming to Canada.
What was that like? How did it feel to you?
Said there’s a big difference?
What was the difference? Well,
huge difference, because when you’re coming from a culture of.
1. You’re in your own culture too.
You get placed into a whole different culture.
’cause I came to today.
We talk about diversity inclusion.
There wasn’t any of that in 1970s.
You didn’t have diverse include and then my accent when
I arrived in Canada today,
arriving with the accent Jamaican accent in Canada is pretty
You’d be like Oh, he’s cool looking.
I got this friend. It wasn’t like that when I
got here.
It was asking various questions that were,
you know. It wasn’t becoming of those questions you were
You know Kristen, but your color,
but you’re here. Everyone was pointing,
touching and derogatory comments. So yet to and I came
here alone.
I didn’t have my support of my siblings to go
home to to protect me,
or whatever it is. So it was a lot of
character building.
Then it was OK and my mom worked a lot.
So I was left alone.
So talk about creativity again.
I was when I think back about those times,
you have to be real creative cousin.
Then yet one channel believe it or not yet one
channel on the TV.
It didn’t have 1000 channels yet.
One channel no streaming, no Internet,
so it was you had to really have yourself together.
So how did you like?
I can remember coming back from Uganda and I had
a very British accent in that time and the kids
would always say to me can you say cookie for
me and I would say we didn’t say.
Could you say biscuit and so they always want to
say this word?
Say that word. So I very quickly try to figure
out how to have a Canadian accent.
What are some of the things that you did and
this may help other kids too if they’re feeling like
people are picking on them or something is happening,
what did you do? The same as you,
because you can imagine.
I hate it. Spelling in class only or reading because
there’s certain times when you have chapters,
paragraphs that you have to read out of a book.
And I just always looked ahead and wondering when my
time was coming.
Second practice the TH words ’cause Jamaicans are not great
with TH words.
We say team that dear.
So I remember looking ahead trying to trying to get
that ’cause they would always.
That’s what it always get me is like he said
tree and you know so I had to learn and
had to really assimilate in and again reduce the exposure
to all the language piece.
So that was the biggest pieces.
Language and again I was in a predominantly white culture.
Where you’re here? You’re any difference?
You’d be picked on anyway.
Again, there wasn’t the Today.
We’re very lucky there is not the education about differences
so you were out there.
So how did you overcome that though?
What else did you do besides change?
Change your language? What did you do to keep your
confidence and Stand Up to people and other kids?
And so on? What kind of things are?
What did you think inside your head?
What helps you get through it?
Then it wasn’t strategic. I don’t think there’s anything strategic
about it,
but I think it was quickly becoming a chameleon.
Assimilate to the music, simulating to the culture really quickly.
What did they like do that kind of blend in?
But what it did? If I roll it forward,
why did teach me to do was adapt and.
Yeah, that to your environment you have to do it
really quickly.
Do it ’cause you know at that age at 910
years old,
11 years old. There’s no real strategy to that,
an bullying. There was any concern about that,
you just have to adapt and the human being is
an amazing.
When we want to weaken it out,
yeah so so now you can you explain what you
did after you got here.
Some of the other things you did ’cause to build
you up to where you are,
where you are, owner of fairly big business year.
Very successful in what you’re doing.
Very successful people want you to travel all over the
world to be with them or and to work with
them to talk to them.
You speak. You do a lot of different things,
can you? Describe then what you did.
What’s your life to get to where you were?
So well living, there’s two things that drives you.
Either you want to get out of pain.
Or move towards something. And I’m a more move towards.
Person. And I grew up in Ontario Housing and seeing.
You know, cockroaches you living with?
You know? So in one small apartment with at one
point I was 13,
probably 1314 years old,
was just transitioning from elementary school
to high school and we have to move again to
Toronto and live with my brother in a small and
I just said that’s it.
I I’m not doing it.
I sports actually save me and being exposed to another
I was exposed to another object,
saw somebody living the way I.
I’m wondering how I could live that way and I
chose when I started,
we started cramming again. I said Yeah,
I don’t have to live like that,
so I actually left home at about 13 or 14.
Went back to my.
Half an hour outside of Toronto,
Pickering and I stayed on friends floors.
I did whatever I had to do to not go
back to crabbing in with everybody.
’cause I just, you know,
you go in the elevator and it’s just the places
to shovel that could smell the garbage chutes and adds.
Didn’t want any of it.
I didn’t want any of it,
so I left and went again.
When you put your mind to something and I got
odd jobs I worked at.
You know the local restaurants and stuffed egg rolls.
I did you name it,
delivered Flyers, whatever it is to get by and I
didn’t really know what I want to do.
Just didn’t want that. I want something else other than
so I did whatever I had to do.
An got biotin sports happen once in one sports.
Give me goal setting. It gave me teamwork.
It give me aspiration’s to be something that I could
do better.
I could be better and gave me a goal and
it showed me how to set goals.
It showed me how to show up.
It showed me if I believe if teen or someone
doesn’t have a role model or someone to guide them,
I think there’s nothing better than.
Organized anything sports sports with this at school was yeah,
that’s the first piece of story ’cause I couldn’t afford
anything else.
I started wrestling at school.
My friend happened to and at that point I also
want added desire to be the.
Baddest man on the planet on time because my siblings
could fight at the drop of a hat and I
hated fighting.
So as one I thought it was a weakness so
I went to short my weakness by going into different
So I did martial arts I did boxing,
I did wrestling. I did.
Yeah so many things. I think it was trying to
fill my weakness.
But still then enjoy it,
but. You something it’s a weakness.
I thought out to fill,
so that gave me that was the game changer for
me doing sports and once I won once all semester
is win once and they get a taste of winning.
You know achieving anything once you get that feeling,
you just get writing that feeling you know you know
that something is possible.
Something else is possible, so putting yourself in a place
where you can,
when you can succeed, not necessarily win,
but it is succeeding to level that you wanted to,
is really helps a person so I can put that
as a number one.
Yeah, so that’s a good distinction.
I would say to what I see when you’re you
personally winning,
so it could be passing and grade.
It could be that would be.
Speeding everybody. That’s that’s a It’s winning in your own
That’s a win. Achieving let you had painted so sports.
And then what else happened in high school?
Well, in high school sports and I met my partner
my my wife,
my girlfriend at the time and she was also going
through her.
She had her own journey so together.
We we had our journeys and that kind of bonded
us through to.
Both. Trebling turbulent times and so that kind of really
bonded us and galvanized the effort together.
And so I picked up dance through her.
I started dancing ballet, tap,
jazz, all that kind of thing and again that gave
me a win,
you know. So all these wins put together so high
school I barely by the way got out of high
school because.
No one that’s a generalization,
but I didn’t feel any one was.
Had confidence mean school. ’cause back then the teachers weren’t
that supportive in my opinion,
that’s one government that’s just my opinion.
I felt I for instance my wife and I were
in the same class at one point and we ended
in the same homework.
She got us a I gotta see.
For the same work. So at that point it’s not
for me,
no. No one’s ever gone before me there to school,
so I’m like this is not for me.
From my family had known before Maine has ever finished
or gone on to higher education,
so getting out of high school with the goal for
me in high school was to not go to summer
Does it go alright if I got that done?
It was a good day.
Yeah, yeah, so. But you didn’t.
I mean High School wasn’t your last education,
so you ended up doing so much more.
So how did that happen?
When will that happen after I left?
I realize that the message and narrative in my head
was wrong about what you mean by narrative in your
wasn’t for me. Was it from my type of people?
That’s what you’re saying to yourself.
That was not me. It’s not for me.
It’s not for me. I’m not in my color too.
Goes on our privileged in their white.
Whatever it is. Whatever the narrative I had in my
or if you were black,
you ought to be special.
You sold out. I’ve just these narratives running in my
Those are those are what it was running in mind.
It wasn’t for me any any excuse to say why
wouldn’t do it.
And it was all excuse and then.
Just so happens sports who’s ending for me,
’cause I thought was going to be a professional athlete.
That’s how it’s going to get there.
I was going to get to the my goal by
being a professional athlete.
And when that started coming to an end.
I fell in love with the human body how the
body worked and I was.
I was also fascinated and fixated on becoming.
I knew everything about boxing.
I knew everything about martial arts,
so the fixation on that was at boxes and books
and I could tell you everybody in every I had
a fixation on it.
Addiction to it. So what I did was when it
was coming to an end,
I transitioned out addiction to the body and then I
started to really dive in.
So from there I went.
I went back and I actually went to bring up
my math from where it was and I actually end
up getting 90s in math and when I went to
adult learning because I wanted to prepare for University.
So I went back and actually so it showed me
that if.
If you have the right support,
you know where you are now is not.
We’re going to end up if you have the right
it’s everything. And right guidance.
Well, can you really wanted to do something better than
I was doing?
All I knew and I saw a Nike quote.
I said all I know is that I didn’t want
to be average and that kept driving me all.
I knew that you want to be average,
so I went back and I once I started going
back to college actually went to device for a year.
Followed my brother went to Devry.
Thought I was going to be an electronic technician ’cause
I like the way you pull things apart.
That fascinated me how we could put it back together,
but that lasted a year.
It wasn’t for me, but I learned a lot in
that whole thing and give me confidence to go back.
And then I went to college and I studied fitness
leadership went back into fitness ’cause that was rows anyways
and from that that led to other colleges and then
a 2 degrees now and so on.
So it just once it.
Once it started rolling I got more confidence that I
can do it.
The rest was easy. Wow wow,
so you talk about. Getting the right support.
What doe
s that mean right?
Support what would be, what was the right support for
you so you know when I go back.
So one of the questions that people ask me is
how did you do it?
And when I think back.
It was this idea. I know my mom unconditional love
if anything.
So I’ve seen some examples too.
’cause I’m always a thinker.
I’ve seen it. I’ve seen some examples of people who
didn’t get.
They may have had the home outside.
It looked like it, but they didn’t get.
Didn’t feel it got to support the unconditional.
The feeling that my love is unconditional.
Because there are sometimes when kids can feel like there’s
a condition to the love.
If your a good girl,
a good boy or if you did this you brought
home this.
If you see my mom,
what I felt was I literally could do anything and
she be happy with it.
Chest, I’m proud of it.
So that that’s the unconditional love and I feel that’s
a game changer for a lot of people who have
But when you feel you can’t fail because you have
you have a safe place to land.
I feel that’s the key that you can do anything.
That’s that’s a confidence. Peace,
like you know, this is really interesting because when I
was growing up,
my parents never said. We love you,
my love you, it just wasn’t something you did back
then and we just knew they do.
It wasn’t questioned and now I’m hearing everybody.
Will you have to always say I love you I
love you I love you and I think well it’s
nice to hear that and then sometimes I wonder you
know it just knowing that no matter what like why
do you have to hear?
That is nice to hear but it’s not necessary for
the love you.
Is nonverbal so 7% is what you say?
55% is body language, 38%
is tonality and all the other things in between.
So you can tell somebody I love you but it
doesn’t come through.
93% doesn’t come through or you could say nada.
Some people are or raised not hearing that but they
know how to person shows up.
They show up every day there at everything you do
there supporting everything you do.
But that just that’s not a thing.
Bigger up here in are saying so.
They don’t do it but they should do it in
Which is way more important then lip service?
Said to yeah yeah OK,
so the work you’re doing now after all of that,
explain what you do because you are an osteopathic and
maybe you can explain to the kids what is an
osteopath 1st and then and then what you do over
and above being osteopath. And what will help kids become
successful in what they’re doing.
It doesn’t matter what their doing because I know you
talk a lot about this and And there’s things that
are in everybody’s lives that helped make you successful.
So if you could talk about that a bit,
so osteopath first, well, not see path is someone looks
at the body,
the human body in a really integrated way.
So they look at soft tissue.
The muscles they look at join still look at the
nervous system.
They look at the organs within the body,
an integrated back into the whole.
There’s a thing unique to ask the opathy That called
cranial sacral therapy,
which is looking at the brain and the spinal cord
in the tailbone.
And ahead, yeah. And how that integrates?
And they go with an idea that the body is
a natural rhythm.
As long as you’re alive and living and breathing,
your body has rhythms, these rhythms of the heart’s rhythm
of the circulation is rhythm of the organs as it
moves food along.
There’s really mother bladder there,
so you, bodies, filler rhythms,
and even outside of us,
the earth, the environment, it’s got rhythms.
In how is rhythms all over the ocean comes in
and does rhythm,
so we learn to feel rhythms in the body and
return that rhythm back to what we call normal,
which we have a standard for that.
So osteopaths integrate in a really wide range of tools
and bring that to the table,
so that’s that’s how that integrates and so I’ve tide
Also I’m fascinated with.
Without, I’ve tried Chinese medicine and acupuncture because I like
the way they throw in wood,
fire, water, metal and they they bring the elements together
and they don’t treat symptoms.
They treat your chi, which is the bodies natural force
living force.
You’ll hear this oraci alot or in Prada with the
Everyone calls it. The life force is everyone has a
Little way of describing it.
But it’s the way that says there’s a certain thing
about the human body.
That’s the difference between a living.
And a body that’s not living is this animation.
What animates it? Is this life force.
And that’s what we look for.
and I fell in love with that.
So I studied everything from energy medicine to massage therapy
to acupuncture,
Chinese medicine nutrition because I believe that we are an
integrated whole and you are not walking into my clinic
as a joint.
Only you’re not walking in as a muscle only,
not Meridian own. It’s everything comes together and at the
end of it I started to look at the mindset.
I got my degree in psychology and an.
New linguistic program, which is a whole other area of
looking at how we use our brain.
To function. And so if I was I’m young,
I’m a teenager and I was thinking that kind of
sounds cool.
What do you have to do to get up to
Like what is all? What’s your education?
It sounds like you took a course here.
Take a course there. Is there anything you have to
do in order to be an osteopath and then to
bring in all this other integrated healing?
I would say underlying everything,
and I heard one of your students say this.
I forgot his name, but he does interviews on CBC
I think.
But he talked about curiosity.
Never lose your curiosity. And that’s what I have is
a curiosity,
’cause without curiosity we wouldn’t be enjoying the things we
do now.
Someone said, how can it be done better?
How can why is it like this?
And they’re curious. And if you look at Tesla.
Elon Musk, he’s curious. Bill Gates was curious.
Steve Jobs was curious. That’s one thing I could say.
I wouldn’t say go out and learn anything.
I’d say. Stay curious. And it will lead you to.
Your passion. Yeah yeah yeah,
so for. Kids for parents.
For the general person you talk about um body,
mind and soul. Can you explain that a little bit
and some of the things that people need to think
about to be high performing to be successful in their
lives? What are some of the things that you would
recommend for them so?
You know the thing about.
P performances it’s not expensive,
it’s easy, but what’s easy to do is also easy
not to do.
Meditation. I believe everyone should slow down and just be
quiet for a bit,
especially in North America. We really ever we go go
go go.
And so big one. Is meditation really easy to some
apps on that people can download?
Com headspace, insight timer. So many things that guide today’s
world is not a lack of information or resources.
We just don’t do it.
So meditations one piece, gut health is another piece.
Seeing someone who’s educated on taking care of the internal
’cause there’s a lot of information now about gut health
and the brain.
They call it the second brain because the health of
your guts.
Serotonin, melatonin, acetylcholine. So all these chemicals are created first
in the gut and they then they feed the rest
of the body.
Do realize that God is a source of a lot
of issues with peop
And when we get when kids get stressed,
they have a lot of God takes.
That’s how do psychologists will recognize they got got eggs,
’cause it’s the mind and body.
So that’s one thing they can do is meditation.
Take care of the gut.
Also what they eat, what goes in and regular exercise
The gym, or formalized structured exercise just movement,
get out there and move.
That’s a That’s a big thing,
so those are some of the things I think you
can really integrate.
That’s easy free. Did not do anything expensive.
Get a gym membership and get this huge program.
No, it’s literally the simple things in life.
You know sugars are a big one.
Monitoring your sugars. I mean,
it’s difficult. I’m not going to eliminate because it’s very
difficult today to not.
Get it in something but.
Really be mindful of what’s going in and simple simple
but like I said, what’s easy to use?
Easy not to do as as well,
sounds like you need some discipline.
A little bit at least a little bit.
Yeah, sorry, the things that we should all be doing
every day.
He said we should do some movement meditation.
Watch what we eat. Anything else that would help.
Journaling is another key thing if you want to talk
about it reflecting on your day ’cause.
When I coach my. A group coaching today I called
Life throws us a lot of lessons,
but if we live in a city,
I the metaphor I use.
Pretend you live in a San.
You probably live in a city you will never see
a shooting star in a city.
There’s too many distractions. Too many lights go to the
country with no distraction.
You see a lot of shooting stars and when we
see them here were like wow,
we wish on them. ’cause the second something amazing.
But you go there to everywhere.
So life throws us lessons that there’s a lot of
We can see them. We will keep repeating the same
lesson if you go to.
If you have quiet and less distraction,
you see lessons and you’re like wow.
So I believe in journaling,
stepping, stepping at the end of the day or beginning
of the day and Journal.
How did it go? What are some of the things
I kept doing?
Because those are lessons that we and if we don’t
just like school,
if you don’t pass those lessons.
You will repeat them. There would be repeated so so
some Real Simple things.
Again nothing. I just suggested any of that involves.
Income levels just involved. As you said,
discipline and not even talking about running a marathon discipline.
I’m talking about simple daily.
Discipline or habits? Yeah well,
this is being really fascinating.
I think as a child to your imaginative you didn’t.
It sounds like it never felt sorry for yourself.
You just OK and it doesn’t really matter where we’ve
come from is where we want to go to is
what I heard.
Also, you know it was that passion that want being
very clear that this was not for me later than
when you were 13 years old that you wanted.
Another type of life, so once you focused on that,
more things opened up and then you started to see
more things as as it came.
And then your life is being a whole journey.
One thing led to another which leads to another and
and it’s it’s. I always find this interesting because as
a child I remember I wanted to do one thing,
and as you’re growing up it’s like you think you’re
going this way and then life has its turns.
And many turns we don’t know where it’s going to
actually lead and it’s,
but if you’ve got a focus in your fascinated with
something it leads to where you really should be.
You know I’ll jump in on that.
Jim Rohn, Love Jim Rohn.
If any of you have any kids watching.
His last name, Zorro HN Jim Rohn,
look him up great philosopher passed away,
who a good while ago now,
but he left some great Nuggets behind and one thing
you said,
it’s a set of your sale.
Set of your sale set up yourself.
So if you’re going out sailing no motor,
just your sale and you want to get to certain
the winds will come in and they’ll blow anyway.
They want wins. Don’t have a direction to just blow,
but if you set yourself to where you want to
you will end up getting there so.
Every day when you wake up,
you set your sale. Where do you want to go?
Because nature hates a vacuum and if you’re not making
plans for yourself,
someone else will or something will.
If the news Sunday radio station is telling you how
to feel,
that’s how you’re going to feel.
If your if your knew,
if your feed on your Instagram or your tick tock
is telling you how to feel.
That’s how you’re going to feel,
so that’s not setting your sales setting your ceilings.
I want to do the destiny she wanna go.
And that’s what I’m setting myself for that I want
to be happy.
Set your sale because there’s going to be.
Wins is going to be someone cutting you off.
He’s going to be kids teasing.
It is going to be.
Those are the wins. But if your sale set,
you’ll get to where you want to go and that
always stuck with me.
’cause this sale is your attitude.
Right, the sale is your attitude.
What’s your attitude? So if the kids out there have
our destination,
they want to get to.
Set your sale everyday ’cause it’s gotta be wins.
It’s not gonna be a straight line.
I like that that’s a good way to to finish
Thank you very much. Love and as you can see,
he’s he’s incredible. He’s always got lots of good ideas.
His imagination is still with him.
Even as an adult, and you still love the world
and you love living and and you love people too.
So and then you find it fascination and everything you
And that Curiosity is so prevalent.
So thank you so much for coming for having me
as usual.
All you do OK, thanks.
OK, that that was a great interview mom,
UM, I I. I think it really shows that.
The biggest success factor we’ve seen is agility,
Annegret. What do you think?
I I also think passion,
Anna belief in yourself and the belief in what you
are doing,
because Alvin for sure he’s not going to stand on
the side and and let other people sort of tell
him how he’s going to behave in an what’s what’s
important. He really feels for people he has compassion for
people and he also has a really good sense of
what’s needed in this world and to help people move
forward. So I’m I’m. Really wondering Nathan in terms of
the your generation ’cause I know from my generation is
really clear that this is what’s needed.
How do you feel this fits into what you’re seeing
going forward and what you’re looking for in an people
at your age?
What do you think? Uh,
well. His story it’s obviously a feel good story,
right? Because it if you were to just classify it
as a movie.
It’s the underdog that persevered and is now successful.
The things that you really need to take out of
it is well.
Are you giving impact to the world?
And so he found that he was?
And now he wants to duplicate that and help other
So that is from my generation.
That is what a lot of people are aiming towards.
I think after sorry, I just think that there is
something to him too in that he’s not going to
blame anybody else if something goes wrong he will take
it himself. He’s not going to sort of be affected
by the overall norm are what people are saying.
He’s he’s just he’s going to say he he just
took into his own hands an I think that’s good
or us all to remember not to not to do
this blame game or to make excuses.
And then we can do something if we’ve got the
right fish in the right focus.
So it was. It is always great to talk to
So thank you for everyone that’s visiting.
Thank you for listening to the releasing the genius podcasts
where were interviewing these amazing people.
Please send us more emails if you have questions.
Ask us anything. Give us feedback.
That’s completely fine. Next week what we have Wednesday 8:00
PM is with doctor porn.
Pun now. She’s an amazing lady out of Thailand and
she’s making another huge impact as to bringing stem to
the entire portion of the continent,
actually. Oh, it’s incredible what she’s done,
so I’m really looking forward to that too.
OK, thanks, Smith. see I see everybody.
Setting Your Sails for Success with Alvin Brown
Spirit of Math Podcasts
Setting Your Sails for Success with Alvin Brown

~End of Transcript.

Spirit of Math Podcasts
Episode #3