Grade 7 Math Curriculum

The Grade 7 curriculum has a focus on problem solving through 12 topics such as patterns in counting shapes, Pascal’s Triangle, number Bases, combinations, measurement, and among others. Students also work on some of the most challenging types of questions found in contest-level math problems in their independent assignments known as Challengers. In this grade, we foster students’ individual accountability as well as their teamwork accountability. In class, students are empowered to ask questions, share solutions, and take the risks that are necessary for higher learning.  Through problem solving, they learn to ask the right questions, pay attention to details, show perseverance, and more. All grade 7 students write an examination at the end of the year. The overall curriculum is engaging to our Grade 7 students and the weekly 1.5-hour class is fast-paced.

Here’s what we cover in Grade Seven:

  • Rational Addition: practice adding rationals of different numerators and denominators
  • Counting Shapes (e.g. How many rectangles of all sizes are in a given diagram?)
  • Arrangements of Letters in a Word (calculating combinations with factorials)
  • Pathways (grids, non-grids, and word formations)
  • Pascal’s Triangle (patterns and combinatorics)
  • Patterns (sequences and series)
  • Patterns involving Prime Factoring
  • Measurement (triangle geometry, Heron’s Formula, Pick’s Rule, area and perimeter of polygons, metric conversions)
  • Venn Diagrams (introducing set notation)
  • Number Bases (including performing operations in different number bases)
  • Angles on a Clock (finding the angle between the minute hand and the hour hand based on different times, and vice versa)
  • Math Challenge Assignments: seven different problem sets assigned throughout the year covering a variety of challenging types of problems
  • Comparing and discussing homework solutions to independent assignments and core work
  • Strengthening communication and social skills
  • Learning how to share ideas on how to collaboratively solve problems
  • Developing critical thinking and decision-making skills

Grades are available online and parents receive three report cards each year. Our students will demonstrate their understanding through:

  • Nine Unit Tests (at Lessons 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 21, 28, and 29)
  • Final Comprehensive Exam