The Grade 5 curriculum lays a critical foundation in mathematics and the weekly 1.5-hour class is based on developing a solid foundation for numeracy by developing skills in working with numbers that lay the foundation to their mathematics far into high school. In this grade, the curriculum is no longer spiral, rather developmental with one topic thoroughly explored and consolidated before moving onto the next topic. The topics include the Relocation Property, signed numbers, Order of Operations, factors, multiples, primes, number sets, and more. With the intense focus on numeracy, our grade 5 students gain a very deep understanding on how to work with numbers. In addition, drills, cooperative group work, and problem solving (such as Problem of the Day) continue to be key components in the Grade 5 curriculum. Unlike previous grades, Grade 5 students are expected to write their own class notes and are more accountable for their independent learning. All grade 5 students have tests and write a final examination. The overall curriculum strengthen students in their mathematics as well as their learning skills.
Here’s what we cover in Grade Five: