Contest Details

Contest Starts: Monday, December 2nd, 2024 at 9:00AM EST

Contest Closes: Friday, December 6th, 2024 at 4:59PM EST

The Spirit of Math Drills App has officially launched! To celebrate, we're inviting all current Spirit of Math students to take part in our weekly Drills App Contest.

Prepare to discover the true masters of drills. This is your exclusive opportunity to vie for top positions on the leaderboard and, most importantly, earn prestigious bragging rights within the classroom.

Web app coming soon.

How to Compete

  1. To join the Spirit of Math Drills App Contest, you'll first need to fill out the form below. This form will only accept current Spirit of Math students, so make sure you're using your Spirit of Math email

  1. After you've completed the form, download the Drills App using the button below.
  1. To sign-in to the Drills App, you need to register using an email and password of your choice. The app is not automatically linked to your Spirit of Math email or account. Watch the video below for the exact steps to register within the app.

Once you've registered and logged in, your scores will automatically start being tracked.

Each time you complete a drill, your score will be tracked and added to our contest database.

How Winners Will be Decided

The winners of the contest will be determined by accuracy, with the top contestants achieving the top scores in each drill (10/10, 40/40, 80/80 etc.).

If multiple contestants achieve perfect scores in a drill, the tiebreaker will be based on the time it took them to complete the drill. The fastest time would then be deemed the winner!


Currently, the Drills App is only available on the iPad. However, we are planning to release the web application soon so users can compete on any device.

If multiple children want to compete on the same device, simply create two accounts within the Drills App and ensure they’re using their account while competing. Scores are tied to the account you’re logged in to, not the device you’re using.

Yes, you can try each drill as many times as you want. Your top score will be the only score that’s tracked on our leaderboard.

You do not need to complete every drill to qualify. If you are in the top 3 for any drill, you will be ranked on our leaderboard.

You can register for the contest at any point during the contest period, however your scores will not be tracked until you’ve registered.

If you fill out the registration form above, it doesn’t matter if you download the app before or after.

You are only competing against users in your grade and winners for each grade will be selected and posted to the Spirit of Math website once the contest closes.

Found a Bug?

If you come across any issues while using the Spirit of Math Drills App, please submit the issue with as much detail as possible to our development team using the form below.