Grade 10 Math Curriculum

The Grade 10 curriculum continues to prepare students in their senior grades for post-secondary success. In this grade, students gain a deep understanding and appreciation on core topics such as trigonometry, logarithms, polar coordinates, conics, and more. Through drills, students gain automaticity and fluency in concepts such as finding radian/degree equivalents. The overall curriculum well prepares students for post-secondary education with a deep understanding in mathematics and learning skills such as proper formatting for complex solutions, test writing, time management, class presentations and more. Cooperative group work and problem solving continue to be key components in the Grade 11 curriculum. Overall, the weekly 2-hour class is packed with important learning.

Here’s what we cover in Grade Ten:

  • Mental Arithmetic: Starting in grade 1, Spirit of Math students complete their class with an oral mental math question given by the teacher (when it is answered correctly, the class may be dismissed). In grade 10, students do mental arithmetic drills with the question given on paper, where they need to mentally calculate the answer and write it down.
  • Radian/degree equivalents: students mentally calculate radian measurements given a degree measurement, and vice versa
  • Trigonometry drills: students mentally calculate trigonometric ratios of common angles given in degrees and radians
  • Trigonometry
  • Logarithms
  • Complex numbers and polar coordinates
  • Conics
  • Cerebral Contortions: challenging weekly assignments that require students to use their previous knowledge in a problem-solving capacity, yet require a deeper level of thinking.
  • Math Challengers: assignments based on various topics (algebra, logic, and exponents and factoring) where the focus shifts from solving the problem and arriving at the correct answer to presenting thorough, well-organized solutions
  • Trigonometry contest questions: to consolidate their knowledge from the trigonometry unit this year, and to help prepare for upcoming math contests the students have the option of writing
  • Comparing and discussing homework solutions to independent assignments and core work
  • Strengthening communication and social skills
  • Learning how to share ideas on how to collaboratively solve problems
  • Developing critical thinking and decision-making skills

Grades are available online and parents receive three report cards each year. Our students will demonstrate their understanding through:

  • Weekly quizzes based on the Cerebral Contortion assignments (from Lessons 9 to 21, 27, 37)
  • Three Unit Tests (at Lessons 7, 13, and 19)
  • Final Comprehensive Exam